Consultancy Services

Consultancy is often used as a generic term, but for us, it’s a highly specialist service. Our team of Consultants have a varied skill set but all are highly numeric and analytical.

Healthcare Consultancy

For more information on the services we provide within the Care, Childcare & Education and Medical sectors

Hotels Consultancy

For more information on the services we provide within the Hotels sector

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Drawing on millions of data points from our unique database of business valuations and transactions, they provide a bespoke range of products and services across the Hospitality, Healthcare and Retail sectors including:

  • Market studies to support new entrants to our specialist trade sectors, ideal for Management teams and third party investors
  • Operator search and selection
  • Needs assessments, viability and feasibility studies to validate proposed investment
  • Research
  • Commercial due diligence including financial, operational and property reviews

Projects are often bespoke and tailored to meet our clients precise requirements.

Contact Us

For further information on how our Consultancy team can help or to discuss your detailed requirements

Our Consultancy Team

Over the past 15 years, our experienced team has established a market-leading reputation for providing innovative, high-quality advice on projects across Europe.

Hannah Haines

Head of Consultancy - Healthcare


Pierre Ricord

Head of Consultancy - Hotels

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